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Bunker Interior Scene

This bunker scene is loosely based off a small section of a bunker structure in Fallout 76 (FO76). I begun this project with the objective of structuring my introduction to Unity, to intrinsically encourage my own progress learning the engine. My initial goal is to develop a mindset for programming with C#, with the assumption that this will assist me in understanding other programming languages - this project ended up teaching me mesh imports, shadergraph, animations, and sounds in addition to C#, a massive success with regards to the original goal.

The scene is completely playable, but extremely limited as I did not want to overstretch my abilities so early on with my time in Unity. The player controller is based off the First Person Controller that Unity itself provides, with additional features that I programmed myself using tutorials and examples from other assets. Of note is the role Impact Interaction System (IIS), every physically enabled mesh has IIS scripts attached which allow them to create sounds when colliding with other props, bringing added detail to the props fleshing out the scene.

My experience with this project gave me a better understanding of Unity and its tools. At the time of writing, I am already applying lessons learnt on a few new projects on the same engine.

Video of the scene in-engine. Demonstrating the interaction and movement features.

In-engine screenshot, looking at the starting point. White dots in the following pictures is the neutral crosshair.

In-engine screenshot, looking at the starting point. White dots in the following pictures is the neutral crosshair.

In-engine screenshot, lit corner.

In-engine screenshot, lit corner.

In-engine screenshot, lit corner.

In-engine screenshot, lit corner.

In-engine screenshot, alternate corner.

In-engine screenshot, alternate corner.

In-engine screenshot, tabletop props.

In-engine screenshot, tabletop props.

Junk models created for the scene. (Sketchfab embed)

Furniture/static models created for the scene. (Sketchfab embed)

Progress slideshow.

Progress slideshow.

Progress slideshow.

Progress slideshow.

Progress slideshow.

Progress slideshow.

Progress slideshow.

Progress slideshow.