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Firewood Pile

One model of several wood piles I created for Dystopia: After Civilization.

The model started as 10 unique logs meshes. These logs were transformed, rotated, and scaled to build the log pile. This way I can modularly build logpiles according to any requirements that might appear in the future.

Firewood pile model, embed from Sketchfab. Additional pictures are provided in case the Sketchfab viewer is inoperable.

Front view, showing the stacking.

Front view, showing the stacking.

Side view.

Side view.

Top view.

Top view.

Wireframe view. The trapeziod shape is actually the collision mesh that would be used in-game. I neglected to remove it before I uploaded to sketchfab.

Wireframe view. The trapeziod shape is actually the collision mesh that would be used in-game. I neglected to remove it before I uploaded to sketchfab.

Texture sheet, arranged as a trim sheet for the majority of the sheet with the ends acting like a standard atlas. The bark was created entirely in substance designer, while the ends were sourced from stock photos.

Texture sheet, arranged as a trim sheet for the majority of the sheet with the ends acting like a standard atlas. The bark was created entirely in substance designer, while the ends were sourced from stock photos.