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Midwest (2014)

A NMS (survival) level made for No More Room in Hell (NMRiH) in 2014. Conceptually a sequel to my previous level Zephyr featuring the same train consist (and train engineer). Aesthetically, based off medium sized US towns, with a heavy amount of brickwork on facades.

It was originally born out of an idea of a scavenger level, where you had to resupply the train with items scavenged off a town. But this gameplay element was scrapped due to it not having a good sense of forward momentum. Regardless, exploration and scavenging still has some value in the final version of the level - in the form of locked off areas and hidden loot that could be accessed depending on the availability of certain tools.

Available as part of the official roster of levels in NMRiH:

Mainstreet. The focal point of the level. The level itself is fairly small, the limited scale hidden using heavy fog and buildings in the skybox.

Mainstreet. The focal point of the level. The level itself is fairly small, the limited scale hidden using heavy fog and buildings in the skybox.

Backalleys behind the buildings of mainstreet. I don't quite know if the generic midwestern town is this filthy, but it adds to the visual clutter very well.

Backalleys behind the buildings of mainstreet. I don't quite know if the generic midwestern town is this filthy, but it adds to the visual clutter very well.

Warehouse interior on the other side of the train tracks.

Warehouse interior on the other side of the train tracks.

Gun store interior near the back of the level.

Gun store interior near the back of the level.

Restaurant, interior. Amusingly its layout is lifted almost entirely from a real life restaurant I frequented while in Suzhou, China.

Restaurant, interior. Amusingly its layout is lifted almost entirely from a real life restaurant I frequented while in Suzhou, China.

Bar interior, the back door leads to the backalleys.

Bar interior, the back door leads to the backalleys.

First floor of the bar.

First floor of the bar.

Loading screen image, created in Photoshop

Loading screen image, created in Photoshop